Saturday, June 20, 2009

Health Care

In sociology, the three perspectives – conflict, interactionist, and functionalism – have three different sets of values in regards to social issues. Typically, conflict theorists and functionalists reside on opposite spectrums. Conflict theorists tend to focus on those who are struggling and improving their stance and wellness in society. Functionalists tend to disregard small groups and emphasize the importance of society as a system of interrelated parts that all effect one another. Interestingly enough, when it comes to health care functionalists and conflict theorists are more similar than usual.            

            Conflict theorists believe that our nation’s health care system is an arena for competition and that the distribution of resources is unequal. They question why the health care system is unequal and try to uncover solutions for the problem. Functionalists believe that being healthy is functional for society and that it is dysfunctional when there is mass of unhealthy people in our population. These perspectives both relate to each other in that both groups desire wellness for our entire nation. They both agree that our society and our nation would function better if everyone was healthy. In my opinon, it would be best if functionalists and conflict theorists could work together to find a solution to fix the many issues related to health care.

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